Notes on the segmentation of Pali Vinaya with Brahmali's translation

OK. I wasn’t sure if that was the plan we were still following.

So I’ll paste in the html code, and you can have a look at that first paragraph after your lunch.
I’ll be asleep.

Okay, will do.

Just to reiterate: we should paste in everything in Brahmali’s files, excepting only any front or end matter. (Specifically, anything before <hgroup> should be left out.)

Don’t worry about duplicating HTML or anything like that: just plonk it all in as-is.

That also includes any extra headings or anything that should be in an extra segment: just paste them right in the next segment with everything else. I’ll sort it out later.

The reason I thought of doing it like this is that I realized that the hardest job is what you’re doing: identifying the correct segment and making sure they match up. So I want to make your job as easy as possible: just bung everything in there.

At the end of the day, we should end up with a PO file that contains in its msgstr everything that is in Brahmali’s HTML files. We should be able to extract the content of the msgstrs, diff them against Brahmali’s originals, and find there is no change.

Once that’s done, I’ll go over it all, invoking the mighty powers of regex and HTML Tidy and some other tricks and treats, and massage it all into shape. This is not a trivial job, as the experience of the past week or so has shown; at the same time, though, it’s not that hard. A few days work should get it done.

I’m hoping that by dividing up the tasks like this we can reduce the amount of manual labor in entering text, and get the whole thing done more efficiently.


So just checking the code, the body of the text is perfect, but we need to adjust the first part.

The main title, which is included in the <hgroup> tag, goes into the corresponding numbered segment. That is to say,:

<h1 id="Bu-Pc.51">Monks’ Confession 51: The training rule on drinking alcoholic drinks</h1>

is the translation of:

51. Surāpānasikkhāpada

(As a little FYI, the reason we put the numbers in the <h1> title on SC, rather than just the name, is that in some cases suttas or rules have no title, just a number.)

The vagga has no translation. I am aware that in earlier rules the heading is treated a little differently, however that is incorrect. But in any case we will adjust the final thing so that each of the heading fields in the Pali text has a proper translation.

The second thing is with the <h2> for the origin story. Such inserted titles belong with the following matter; it is the first piece of the next section. So it’s better to include it in the following segment.

Accordingly, in Pc 41, the <h1> title is numbered 0.5, indicating that it is part of the head matter; the <h2> title is numbered 1.1.0a, indicating it is the first part of the first section.

As a stylistic choice, you can get rid of the line breaks if you like; they don’t really help with anything. It won’t make much difference to the final thing; we will run HTML Tidy over it which will force consistent line breaking anyway. But it does make it look cleaner.


OK, I made a second pass on the front matter and first paragraph, and added the second paragraph. As noted with the “Needs work.” comments, there is some re-ordering done in the translation that I wasn’t sure how to capture. I went with inserting the later re-ordered translation material earlier. In this case it caused two Pali segments to be missing their English translations, which came earlier. Does this work for you?


As for the organization, don’t write “needs work” in the comment: just click the “needs work” checkbox. That will insert #. fuzzy in the PO file, and I can find all instances very easily. I’ll sort out the segmentation on a case by case basis. This is what I did for the nikaya translations, and it worked out reasonably well.

Your choice there are quite sensible. We can never be 100% in matching text and translation segments, so just do what seems best.

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I don’t see a “Needs work” to click. There is a “Report a problem with this string.” Is that it?

No, that one sends an email.

First thing, are you in “Submit” mode? You should be, otherwise, well, you couldn’t submit. If the green submit button is showing, we’re good.

In vanilla Pootle, “Needs Work” is just below the green submit button, directly to the right of the text entry field.

If you’re using my modified Bilara skin, “Needs work” is in the toolbar.

#Image result for fuzzy public domain

(finalized folder structure for Pali Vinaya required for SV-Voice support)

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I am not seeing “Needs Work”, either below the green submit button or anywhwere else. I haven’t installed that skin yet as I wanted to first become familiar with the original interface. I suppose I could try installing it to see what happens, but if I don’t see that button now, I’m not sure that will help any.

This is what I see :confused: :

Okay, well, that explains that. Maybe it’s visible at a certain permissions level, let me check …

Okay, try refreshing and see if that works. It might take a few minutes, and it might need a hard refresh.

The suggestion mode is now available, but Needs Work is still not there:

I also tried the Suggest view: Needs Work is also not there.

Well, at least that achieved something! Let me try once more …

Now try again. Sorry to do this step by step but otherwise we wouldn’t know which permission controlled it. I can’t find these details on the Pootle docs.

I have experimented by adding a test account. It seems the “Needs work” button requires admin privileges. Why that would be so I have no idea. Anyway, I have granted yourself, Sabbamitta, and Brahmali admin rights for this project.

OK, It’s there now. I will go back and check that on the segments that need it. Should I leave the explanatory comments in or delete them?

Oh, excellent, sorry this took so long!

Probably best to delete the old comments, else they might get mixed up with Brahmali’s notes, as he uses the same field.

Section 51 is complete now.