
True - this is inference not true seeing - very good. It’s important not to confuse inference with direct-seeing.

This is why many professional scholars misunderstand the Dhamma - IMO. They mistake it for philosophy - some kind of Asian ideology.

There are many forms of Buddhism that are ideological creations but, the Dhamma - that is realised by the wise - is something else, entirely.

The Dhamma is more than an intellectual pursuit. It’s a way of being in the world. We have to ‘live it’ before we realise it’s true meaning.

Atheists and theists often blur the distinction between fact and opinion due to their ideological commitments.

We need to avoid getting ‘caught up’ in conjecture and speculation - as best we can.

We should be completely aware of what we are doing when we are merely repeating views and opinions.

We should not seek certainty and security where there is none. It’s a false refuge - a mirage. We need to see things clearly.

This is part of Dhamma-vicaya, we need to understand our relationship to the ideas we entertain. It’s a form of mental-hygiene.

This is why I emphasise the need for an open-mind. An openness to surprise, the unexpected, realisations without precedent.

“Do everything with a mind that lets go. Don’t accept praise or gain or anything else. If you let go a little you will have a little peace; if you let go a lot you will have a lot of peace; if you let go completely you will have complete peace." - Ajahn Chah

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