Offerings dedicated to the gods

It doesn’t seem that the word “gods” is explicit in the Pali there. I think it only says ahuneyyo, which seems to be just “offerings” in most other translations. The PED lists this:

Āhuneyya (adj.) [a grd. form. fr. ā + hu , cp. āhuti] sacrificial, worthy of offerings or of sacrifice, venerable, adorable, worshipful D iii.5, 217 (aggi); A ii.56, 70 (sāhuneyyaka), 145 sq. (id.); iv.13, 41 (aggi); It 88 (+ pāhuneyya); Vv 6433 (cp. VvA 285). See def. at Vism 219 where expld. by “āhavanīya” and “āhavanaŋ arahati” deserving of offerings.

Maybe Ven. @sujato felt that this word is frequently used in the suttas in the context of offerings to deities, and so he translated in a way to reflect that?