Offline site not working

Y’all are not going to like this, but this feature has been there for many years now, and whenever I test it, it works just fine. It just did it again on a new machine, and yep there it is.

Computers are complicated, and I’m sorry it doesn’t work for you. In my experience, the problems are likely:

  • network
  • corrupted cache (make sure to completely erase if you have a problem before trying again)
  • configuration (some setting on your computer or browser)
  • browser plugins
  • lack of local storage space (especially a problem on mobiles).
  • old or unsupported browser (for this, I would recommend the latest Chrome; Firefox and Safari should work, but PWA support is better in Chrome.)
  • some OS incompatibility (I’m using Ubuntu, and none of our developers use Windows as a daily driver, so there may be some issue there.)

There’s no need to tell me that none of these things apply: something applies, so if it’s not these it’s something else.

Having said this, I did notice a small bug in the offline version, so we will fix this at some point. At the moment our developer is working hard on a major new feature, so unless someone wants to step up and do the work, we won’t be able to do it any time soon. Maybe later in the year.

I’ll make an issue for this, and add this thread to it so we can review at that point.