I’ll be taking a look at this. I’m toying with a way to visualize your data.
I agree. That would ostensibly be the only way to get population sampling in the true sense. And I’m not so interested in that level of speculation. I’m more interested in seeing patterns of teachings tailored to specific audiences.
(I’m decidedly NOT a statistician; the only college course that made me weep literally was statistics. Which is odd because I enjoy parsing data and statistics.)
Oh that paper looks delightful!!
Still, imagine the personality of a scribe. I mean, what do scribes do? Presumably they are paying more attention to the technical content relative to the people who were underwriting their scribing. I don’t think in any way, shape, or form this waters down the Buddha’s teachings.
We have the whole corpus (more or less) and can make reasoned conclusions about how he tailored his teaching IMO. Versus everybody else through the centuries.
So we may have a better shot at understanding the context. Of course, context plays no part in the Buddha’s liberation program. But it can help in other ways that influence how Buddhism is introduced to lay people.