On the illegality of Bhik(kh/s)uni Ordination

No my friend.

The logic is-

Racism exists till someone starts a restaurant which doesn’t practice discrimination.

Safe Schools for LGBTQ students don’t exist till someone steps up to ensure a safe environment in their school.

Unequal employment opportunities exist till such a time that someone decides to take a stand in favor of what they know is right.

Wheelchair access for stores doesn’t exist till someone decides to proactively install it.

Seeing the brave act of that pioneer, others follow. Seeing the emerging trend, politicians get in on the act and pass the laws which ensure that the change flourishes.

We cannot just legislate inequality away. If we could, the world would be a utopia already. We have to step up and lead the way. Remember Rosa Parks? Or how about Malala Yousafzai?