Original Dhamma Poems, composed by forum members

the visit
One hundred and squared by eight.
That is the time of my practice.
In the forests, I watched the ancient one come.
He is beyond all conceptualization.
Neither existent or non existent.
His robes flutter under the moon glow.
The one who has gone ashore smiles.
I feel loved without defilement for the first time.
A lotus flower is dropped in my offering bowl.
A sign.


With samadhi like a flower garland, I destroy celestial demon palaces.
Goblins came to devour the flesh of this monk from Tang.


The Human State

The human state is rare and fortunate
because, unlike the animals, unlike
the gods, we do have choice. The animals
can’t think, the gods have no occasion to.

And pain is not the same as suffering,
and pleasure’s not the same as happiness,
and death is not a problem, rather, death
is the solution. Though we populate
the emptiness with shapes of fear,
it’s empty.


That’s it. The melon water. The thing that is not a thing. The truly mad. This which you must not respect because it does not wish to be respected. The necessary discussion that is no longer necessary. The thing that is truly meant but feared. The original meaning which was not meant for the originals but for those who know that meaning and originality lie just about. In the same place. The place of nothingness.

The unwished. The undesired.

In other words:

You ought to, but you ought not.

Do you not see it?

Aggressiveness is not harsh.

Harshness must be allowed just as all must be.

That’s it. The fearful but true.

The best wish that cries for all.

And the best does not


For spontaneity

Even though
It is the same
As nothing .
To the non best.

Do what you wish.

Or wish nothing
At all.

Are we blameworthy?
Or the same?

Laugh laugh laugh.
Or think.

This is it

And this is,
Always this.

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