Paracanonical texts in Chinese

Any translation of Petakopadesa , Paṭisambhidāmagga and Nettipakarana in Chinese ?


Do you mean ancient or modern translations?

If ancient, there’s a Chinese translation of a text that was either the Netti or the Peṭ or some Sanskrit text on very similar lines, but I’ve forgotten its name.

If you mean modern translations, the Paṭisambhidāmagga is available:

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Thanks bhante , do give me the links to Pet and Netti if you manage to find out later !


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I remember now: it’s the 陰持入經 (Yin chi ru jing, T 603), a text translated by the early Parthian missionary An Shigao.

Unfortunately it isn’t the whole of the Peṭakopadesa but only a parallel to its Suttatthasamuccayabhūmi chapter.

Pe. ch. 6

In his meticulous study of the two texts Stefano Zacchetti maintains that the parallelism isn’t accidental, but rather the 陰持入經 is a direct translation of the Suttatthasamuccayabhūmi. I upload a copy of his 2002 survey:

An early Chinese translation corresponding to Chapter 6 of the Peṭakopadesa: An Shigao’s Yin chi ru jing T 603 and its Indian original: a preliminary survey

Of related interest:
Jan Nattier, A Guide to the Earliest Chinese Buddhist Translations

And Phra Kittisak Kittipañño’s MA thesis:
Mission, Meditation and Miracles: An Shigao In Chinese Tradition


Thank you bhante .