I tried a partial search for “osāre”
and got back zero results. I have Pāḷi root language checked in the Languages tab.
This word definitely appears in the suttas, for example in DN 16
I tried a partial search for “osāre”
and got back zero results. I have Pāḷi root language checked in the Languages tab.
This word definitely appears in the suttas, for example in DN 16
All sorts of things are broken on search right now.
Always ping @HongDa.
Yes, I’ve seen some issues too, not sure what’s happened. But i’ve had such erratic access to internet I couldn’t be sure of anything.
Would it not be a good idea to set up some kind of automated regression testing for search?
You can use Selenium for testing at the browser level, or use the backend API directly. If anything breaks add a test. Likewise when adding a feature, add a test. Add the tests to your github actions CI workflow to catch problems before deployment.
Basically you’re just comparing input - the search string - to output - the results returned. If anything changes, fail the test.
Sorry I don’t have the time myself right now, but it’s something I’d look into.
Absolutely. It has been mentioned many times.
I just want to add that, I tried searching for “raft” and couldn’t find it at all in the suttas. Chrome / Ubuntu.
Always ping @HongDa.
Well, yes, but he is away for lunar newyears. So multiple pings don’t help in this case.
Until he gets back we all need to be patient. No point in even reporting bugs. It could just be that a database needs to be rebuilt and that will solve it all.
In the meantime, we can all just use Google search, putting site:suttacentral.net
in the search string.
Always ping thank @HongDa!
Oh, sorry, this is because I didn’t re-index after fixing a problem recently. I have fixed this problem now.
@HongDa - The site is partially down again? Lots of things are failing to load for me at the moment.
More than just partial search? Partial search is working for me. I tried “food”. Got 2798 results. It was slow, though.
Linode reported a high CPU usage issue on the server, which may be the cause of the slow response. I am observing.
Yes. Search, but also the three basket cards on the homepage, some of the parallels menus were empty…
I restarted the server and now it seems to be back to normal.