Pathway of Citta after death until rebirth

Hi! Good day everyone. I realize it has been a long time since I last posted something here. Hope everyone is well. I would like to discuss the pathway of the mind/citta after death upto rebirth. My father raised this question to me yesterday following a productive dhamma talk about the journey and development of mind/citta from birth to death.
I am keen on learning about the nature of the pathway from after death up to rebirth, the conditions involved and any other details or corrections (if any) to the nature of this question itself.
I would also appreciate any sutta references and further insights as I am but a beginner on the path of dhamma. Thankyou very much.


I’m not a Buddhist and don’t know the in’s & outs of your question ( I’m interested in whatever answers you get tho) and as a Spiritualist we have a bit of a different version tho it does have some overlap with from what I understand, is one variable of what can happen according to Buddhism - that mainly being that some people can retain awareness of their earthly existence and others do not - which I presume (?) is based on our level of mental awareness achieved ( or not) in our current form of existence here and now. Someone more knowledgeable will no doubt correct me if I’m wrong and clarify for you.

I was a fence sitter on reincarnation for a number of years, questioning if visions and memories of past lives were maybe us just tapping in to other peoples lives or maybe spirit guides lives etc. That has been very directly cleared up for me now - yep, we have had countless lives. I’ve even got traceable evidence of one.

Whilst I was sitting on the fence tho, something that wasn’t the whammy moment but really started swaying me, was my own daughter who b/n 2 & 4 on multiple occasions brought up her own past life ( in which I was apparently her cousin Meero) and talking in descriptive detail about our death ( together at the same time) by drowning on a ship wreck. I don’t recall this particular one, but it’s interesting I once went to go on a cruise ( before she was born) and felt instant panic the second my foot stepped on the ship. It was that bad, by the time I opened my cabin door, I turned around and got back off. No cruise for me. :smirk:

What she said tho in her little toddler language, was the ship hit a rock, sank, how cold the water was, etc, that she ‘turned in to a skeleton’ ( obv her description of being dead) and that she flew up to the sky, was made all better again ( with a body) and then later she was ‘put in to my tummy’ ( no notion of a choice mentioned) and the the doctors got her out and now I’m her mum.

Umm ok :eyes: … she doesn’t remember it now, but she repeated this several times over two years. Kids that age don’t just make up elaborate stories like this with no knowledge of such concepts. It seems she had some awareness of the process in between that life and this one … but that’s kinda all I got as I deliberately did not ask any leading questions that might provoke false info to fill in the gaps

I’m sure someone else can give you the techy details from a Buddhist perspective tho … and I look fwd to reading them too :blush: