Please keep reporting errors and typos!

Maybe it would be good to choose one spelling for consistency.

Similar case: The seven treasures of a wheel-turning monarch are sometimes spelled with hyphen and sometimes without, even in the same sutta (for example DN17).

DN17:1.26.13: Sovaṇṇamaye kūṭāgāre rūpiyamayo pallaṅko paññatto ahosi, rūpiyamaye kūṭāgāre sovaṇṇamayo pallaṅko paññatto ahosi, veḷuriyamaye kūṭāgāre dantamayo pallaṅko paññatto ahosi, phalikamaye kūṭāgāre sāramayo pallaṅko paññatto ahosi.
DN17:1.26.13: In each chamber a couch was spread: in the golden chamber a couch of silver; in the silver chamber a couch of beryl; in the beryl chamber a couch of ivory; in the crystal chamber a couch of hardwood.

Should be: “in the silver chamber a couch of gold”.