Please post determinations/resolutions/vows/affirmations in suttas

There is many wealth in suttas/sutras to compile here for the benefit for everyone.

As long as I live, may I support my parents. Yāvajīvaṁ mātāpettibharo assaṁ, 1.5As long as I live, may I honor the elders in the family. yāvajīvaṁ kule jeṭṭhāpacāyī assaṁ, 1.6As long as I live, may I speak gently. yāvajīvaṁ saṇhavāco assaṁ, 1.7As long as I live, may I not speak divisively. yāvajīvaṁ apisuṇavāco assaṁ, 1.8As long as I live, may I live at home rid of the stain of stinginess, freely generous, open-handed, loving to let go, committed to charity, loving to give and to share. yāvajīvaṁ vigatamalamaccherena cetasā agāraṁ ajjhāvaseyyaṁ muttacāgo payatapāṇi vossaggarato yācayogo dānasaṁvibhāgarato, 1.9As long as I live, may I speak the truth. yāvajīvaṁ saccavāco assaṁ, 1.10As long as I live, may I be free of anger, or should anger arise, may I quickly get rid of it. yāvajīvaṁ akkodhano assaṁ—sacepi me kodho uppajjeyya, khippameva naṁ paṭivineyyanti.

Beautiful chanting also. Good for householders


For believing in healing of your suffering by the power of the triple gem.

For sure the Gracious One is a Perfect Sambuddha, who teaches the Dhamma for the giving up of suffering such as this; for sure the Gracious One’s Community of disciples are good in their practice, who practice for the giving up of suffering such as this; it is sure that Emancipation is truly happy, where suffering such as this is not found.

When a monk or nun “goes forth from the householder life”, that’s a resolution of sorts. This stock phrase, to “go forth,” appears in many suttas.

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