Portuguese Saṅghādisesa 3 and 4 uploaded

Again, with much gratitude and thanks to Gabriel Laera (@Gabriel_L). :anjal:



  • grupo de mulheres veio até (o) local conferir as habitações - correcto - veio até (ao) local …

  • então a instruiu, inspirou e () alegrou - correcto - e (a) alegrou …

Hopping the best for all and that this corrections will help.

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My apologies for the late reply. I was on retreat.
@Gabriel_L, could you please have a look at this and let me know what you think?

Sadhu Ayya,

These are not mistakes but a matter of style.
I would not see the need to change it for I will likely keep following this standard.

@Yhochanan, thanks for the remarks. If possible, please feel free to send me a message in private so we can discuss how you may help revising my translations.
