Probability of our civilisation to survive without facing a catastrophic collapse estimated at less than 10% in most optimistic scenario

Indeed, this was shocking news. We shouldn’t take our eyes off the ball; global warming isn’t waiting for Covid-19 to be over. Just today, this terrible development from India, which invokes almost all of the worst aspects of environmental mismanagement.

@faujidoc1 I know it’s only a cartoon, but I think there is really a deep truth to it. We have to stop imagining that one fine day, people will just get it. The rivers of delusion run so very deeply. It’s telling how, even now, in the face of such a massive pandemic, the people who are in denial over the very obvious reality of the pandemic are the very same who have been in denial of climate change. No amount of research or evidence will ever shift them.

This is a lesson I learned, in fact, during the Hamburg Congress on bhikkhuni ordination. At the end of it all, after decades of thorough and detailed research had been presented, the Dalai Lama called for “more research”. It was on that day that I understood that for some people, “research” was a method for indefinite postponement of change.

Thanks Dana for the article. The UN has been one of the organizations that has tried to stand up for the environment, and made the link strongly and early between environmental destruction and the Covid-19 pandemic. Any solution to our problems rely on strengthening such responsible global institutions in their responses.