Pseudonyms or real names of members on D&D

That’s probably ill-advised.

Otherwise, I wonder what the benefits are of asking for real names, when people could just as well make those up too. Whether they are asked for, or whether pseudonyms are used: for those who are troublesome, these things do not matter at all.


Perhaps I did not convey my idea correctly. I am not advising anyone but making a point.

Agree. This is what I meant to say.

Hi Mara! Thanks for this topic. I don’t necessarily think this is the case. We’ve had people who use their real names on this forum who have utilized wrong speech and caused harm. I really wish that honesty would prompt others to be kind, but unfortunately that’s just not how it works.

For instance, my username is my real name, and I used to have my last name on this forum as well, up until a user who seemed particularly manipulative started causing problems and then I removed it for fear that my identity could be used against me in some way.

Thus, I think using real names should include an equal measure of honesty and protection. If you don’t feel you can share your real name out of fear of being mistreated/violated by your government/community then by all means use a pseudonym! I think the problem occurs when one uses a pseudonym in order to hide behind it and slander/speak cruelly to other people.

That’s kind of awesome!


Names and date of birth are designed to control the masses.
I don’t think Buddha had a name.

I know.


The phrase meant that those people are not making good choices

Irish! :ireland:


I figured as much. My dad is Padraic which is easy by Irish standards!