The relevant sutta here for a layman is SN42.3. Right livelihood for Renunciants (which you are not) is covered in DN1, DN8 etc.
As far as I can tell, your layman’s livelihood comes from making videos which are intended to train people in how to use weapons safely to defend themselves and others. Since you are not directly killing living beings in combat, nor are you directly inciting others to kill your livelihood is not wrong.
Its the Intention behind the action which is to be considered when deciding if its Right or Wrong, as the Buddha points out in numerous places. (eg MN55, MN58).
You may also consider
In the Commentaries, there is a story for Dhammapada verse 124 where the wife of a hunter becomes a sotapanna. According to this Commentary story, the bhikkhus asked the Buddha, “Venerable Sir, is the wife of the hunter who is a sotapanna, also not guilty of taking life, if she has been getting things like nets, bows and arrows for her husband when he goes out hunting?” To this question the Buddha answered, “Bhikkhus, the sotapannas do not kill, they do not wish others to get killed. The wife of the hunter was only obeying her husband in getting things for him. Just as the hand that has no wound is not affected by poison, so also, because she has no intention to do evil she is not doing any evil.”
(Disclosure : I’m ex military myself, was a Physician in my nation’s Armed Forces, retired after 25+ years of active service. Hence my assessment could be biased.)