Basically the title
I’ve come to recognize I have a good inclination towards metta practices, I find I get concentrated on them quickly and stay with them longer and come out feeling better and acting better in my regular life.
But I feel like I haven’t developed a good base of knowledge from the suttas regarding the viharas and found myself during meditation today asking questions like “what is loving kindness or impersonal love anyway? A feeling? A vibe? A thought? A bodily sensation? Maybe all those things” and then recognizing I had actually no idea how to apply equanimity in this context of love and compassion.
I noticed at one point that my metta phrases stopped being an expression of emotion or intent but at one point was more a repetition of sound in my head. I noticed at the same time I was more easily distracted and felt further from concentration when I got to that point. After I took a break and got some tips from a friend in the practice I was able to maintain the feeling more but also had trouble trying to transition from directed thoughts that aroused loving kindness and just being present with the loving kindness.
If there are any existing reading guides, reputable essays or recorded talks that people could recommend they would be greatly appreciated while I try to develop this practice
with love