Reflecting on Rebirth: An Understanding That Can Go Beyond Faith and Theory

Dear @daverupa

I had a quick look at your book and it looks amazing. I’m truly glad you brought it to all of our attentions.

However, I don’t think it quite fits in with this:

As I already said elsewhere, the OP openly assumes an acceptance - not a questioning or any reference to modern paradigms - of rebirth into one’s world view. This is a place for a more personal sharing.

I feel your book does connect with this topic, but I think it deserves a thread of its own - which can have a link to this one if you wish. I’m happy to do it when I get back from work later or you can do it yourself.

With much metta and apologies for any offense caused :heartpulse: :anjal: :heartpulse:


I know @Linda also posted a link to a book but I feel it fits better here and has an intimate connection with some of the other posts. However, Linda, I know you also expressed some reservations about whether your book fits into the OP…so, I’d like to invite you to also create another thread with a link to this topic. :anjal: I hope that’s okay…I feel it would be fairer to @daverupa.

With many thanks and metta to you both. :slight_smile:

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