Regarding the belief of academics that the Buddha taught Mahayana sutras etc

I just looked Peace Pilgrim up and from a brief glance she’s a total spiritual badass:

Expressing her ideas about peace, she referred to herself only as “Peace Pilgrim”. Peace Pilgrim’s only possessions were the clothes on her back and the few items she carried in the pockets of her blue tunic which read “Peace Pilgrim” on the front and “25,000 Miles on foot for peace” on the back. She had no organizational backing, carried no money, and would not even ask for food or shelter. When she began her pilgrimage she had taken a vow to “remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food”.

For more resources on her see

@ERose I know you are concerned about criticism so you didn’t want to share too much but your comment was a great find for me and now I’m gonna check out more about her; so I thank you for that and apologize if you come under any distress due to my posting about her.
