There are two kinds of right views taught: Mundane and supramundane right view. (MN117)
I believe supramundane right view is not that kind of view such as: ‘father and mother exist, there is this life and an afterlife, there is kamma and fruit of kamma. It is not about the view of materialism, view of an eternal soul, substantialism, insubstanstialism, idealism, eternalism, annihilationisms, scepticsm’ etc. (endless)
It is not at all intellectual or philosophical of nature. Supramundane right view is not like that. It is not connected with conceiving, with ideas, philosophy, reasoning, because it is based upon stilling of all formations, dispassion, purity. So, this has nothing to do with what we normally consider as view. It is not about regarding things in a certain way.
Supramundane right view is, i believe, the view that a wholehearted undivided pure non-judgemental heart naturally has. It is not trapped in a notion of me versus the other. Nor in a notion of me versus the world. It has no ideas about exist or not exist. Nor about substantialism and not-substantialism. It has no ideas about eternalism or annihilationism. It is not intellectual of character at all. It has no standpoints. It is free of all opinions and ideas.
It refers to that domain or that dimension free from all conceit and conceiving. This is an undivided dimension. And because it is, it has an unworldy , supramundane, right view. A correct understanding. In its not-fragmented nature it has a correct understanding.
Involved in conceit and conceiving the understanding becomes fragmented in a me here and the other there, or me here and the world there. But this fragmentation merely arises as a result of involvement in conceit and conceiving. See for yourself.
Where are boundaries when there is no involvement in conceit and conceiving?
Fragmentation is not reality, it is merely an impression of reality that is arising. Fragmentation seems real for a mind with a sense of me, mine and my self. This all remains worldly understanding, mundane.
The supramundane right views is the kind of understanding of an unfragmented mind and a pure heart.
Dhamma is also not about knowledge and vision but knowledge and vision is an important stage in arriving at Nibbana, oneness, peace, unlimited mind (AN10.80). No boundaries can be found. No fragmentation is present. Detachment.
This has naturally the right understanding.
The only goal of the Dhamma is this state of the definitive absence of all clinging and conceit (MN24). Knowledge and vision functions in Dhamma merely to arrive there. But if knowledge and vision only leads to becoming attached to knowledge and vision, then it does not serve its real purpose.
The unfragmented mind and pure heart has by nature the right understanding. That is its supramundane right view. It is not something one can or has to learn. It is our birthright. Purification removes all what fragments. And, in the end, especially the conceit ‘I am’ (asmi mana) functions as a fungus of division. All actions based upon this, are not based upon dispassion and not based upon supra mundane right view.
But they can still be meritorious.
I am afraid people might jduge this as mystics, esoteric buddhism, so be it. I feel it might be of help. I personally see this is what Buddha meant.
Mundane right views can be learned. One can abandon wrong mundane views and adopt right views. This is meritorious. But supramundane view cannot and does not have to be learned but to be arrived at.
It is an illusion, i feel, that mundane right views are not important. Because one can really have wrong views that lead to misery. And those must be abandoned for the sake of ones welbeing and that of others too.