Requesting Feedback on my Dhamma Writing

Thank you for letting us know about this site and all your hard work putting it together. I think it is important to present Buddhism from the perspective of the lay practitioner and combine that with an emphasis on the Early Buddhist Texts. That being said, it is also difficult to teach or spread knowledge. The previous posts regarding the challenges of SEO and the plethora of content on the internet are spot-on. There are also several interesting discussions of teaching Buddhism on Discuss & Discover, such as: Teaching others

The attitude I try to take is that while I do this primarily in the spirit of helping others, there is also another important benefit: it helps me learn the dhamma. So, even if no one participates, the effort I made to understand and learn, while preparing the post or talk, is worth it.

There are, of course, broader issues of sustaining the website in terms of financial cost, etc. This is a personal decision, but could be viewed as a form of dana.

I wish you good luck and success on your efforts. We live in a golden age where a lay person can read the suttas thanks to resources such as SuttaCentral and Access to Insight. We live in a society where we are not being persecuted for following different faiths. And many of us have food and shelter such that we can turn our minds and energies to these seminal spiritual questions without having to struggle for daily survival, a burden that 500,000 years of past humans had to labor under.