Responding to and discussing gender issues

I was just thinking…sometimes…lol…I’ve made the opposite mistake too. I’ve listened when I should have challenged! I find it tricky at the best of times, but online on such a forum! Phew! It’s not easy at all. Again, in relating back to the title of this OP, I’ve to say, thank goodness we’ve got our Guidelines, to well, guide us! :slight_smile: And I’m so glad this was a document that we as a community approved of…it’s ours and we should use it! I know one of the other Mods said that she did an experiment for a while and everytime she posted something, she went to the Guidelines and checked to see if her posting was okay!! Now that’s commitment to Practice!

Thank the Buddha our Guidelines are based in his Dhamma: in Right Speech, Metta, Gentleness. Yeah, sure we’ll make mistakes and often not even realise that we’ve made them. But as long as we acknowledge this, when we do realise it, at least to ourselves, if it’s too humbling/painful for our ego to do it to another, then we’ll eventually, hopefully, learn and grow in Dhamma.