Rethinking Satipatthana

I hereby announce the completion of my book by this title. I had posted to Sutta Central some material from this project, concerning both satipaṭṭhāna and samādhi, insofar as the two intersect in the EBT. Unfortunately the currents of Buddhist intellectual history have not been kind to this early teaching.

Rethinking Satipaṭṭhāna is a concise but thoroug reevaluation of the early satipaṭṭhāna teachings that integrates right view, right recollection and right samādhi based on a critical rereading of the earliest Buddhist texts. My conclusions appear (to me) to be doctrinally coherent, cognitively realistic, etymologically sound, functional, and explanatory. Modern cognitive theory suggests a viable integration of jhāna. I invite people to read it carefully and to feel free to give me critical feedback.

RethinkingSatipatthanaBookWeb.pdf (985.1 KB)

The text can be found here: