SA 346's possible typo

The first part, in pali is ayonisomanasikara. Here’s a post Manasikāra = 'application of the mind'? - #8 by Mat) on what is yonisomanasikara and therefore the oppostive - ayonisomanasikara. I looked at this and found it difficult to find suttas to link it to ‘attention’. Attention is sati and wise attention could be called sati sampajanna. yonisomanasikara seems to be wise contemplation- it is a pre-requisite for Sotapatti or stream entry.

factors for stream entry:

  1. spiritual friends
  2. listening to the true Dhamma
  3. yonisomanasikara Wise contemplation
  4. practice according to the Dhamma (Noble eightfold path including sati sampajanna)

with metta

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