Saṃskāra as a Member of Dependent Origination in Non-Theravādin Sources

This essay is essentially for information purposes. There is a lack of awareness of Buddhist teachings outside of the Theravāda tradition given that most people interested in EBT studies are either Theravāda practitioners or scholars who deal mainly with Pali language texts and perhaps some Sanskrit.

There is, however, a huge cross section of Buddhist materials preserved in Chinese translation that reveals what the rest of the Buddhist world thought about various subjects. This essay is about one particular, narrow subject: How saṃskāra (P. saṅkhāra) was understood in the context of dependent origination outside of Theravāda sources.

The sheer volume and diversity of Buddhist texts that are extant in Chinese makes it impossible for me to be comprehensive in this essay, however. Below, I offer passages from three sources the demonstrate the wide range of meanings that saṃskāra was understood to include in the context of dependent origination.

Sūtra Sources

I will begin with a passage from the Ascertainment of Meanings Sūtra (artha-viniścaya-sūtra (T762-3). This text was translated to Chinese twice during the 10-11th c. CE. So, it is quite late in Buddhist history, but it’s one of the few sūtra sources that offer us some interpretation what physical, verbal, and mental saṃskāra meant. There is also a Sanskrit edition of this text that was translated by Anandajoti - it matches T762 better than it does T763.

The interpretations in T762 and T763 are different, so they must represent two different recensions of the same text, perhaps from different schools of Buddhism.

T762 reads:


"The item of action. Action has three kinds, which are physical action, verbal action, and mental action. Physical action refers to breathing in and out because of the basis of breathing in the body, connection to the body, and being derived from the body. This gets the name ‘physical action.’ Verbal action refers to analyzing problems in the treatises. This analysis of problems is then verbalized, so it’s called ‘verbal action.’ Mental action refers to mental factors such as greed, dislike, and delusion, which are based in the mind, connected to the mind, and derived from the mind. So, it’s called ‘mental action.’
“Again, there are three actions. What are the three? Meritorious action, sinful action, and imperturbable action. This is called the three actions.”

The parallel passage in T763 is not as easy to understand:

「云何無明緣行?」佛言:「所謂身行、語行、意行。是名無明緣行。」 「云何身行?」 「動轉所作,身為濟渡,任持諸法,為依止處。是名身行。」 「云何語行?」 「能詮能顯,分別校量,諸法實性。是名語行。」 「云何意行?」 「心所愛樂、心所思惟、心所攝受、心所依止。是名意行。」[T763.17.654b26-c2]

“What is action that’s conditioned by ignorance?”
The Buddha said: “It refers to physical action, verbal action, and mental action. This is called the action that’s conditioned by ignorance.”
“What is physical action?”
“Movement performed by the body to render aid or preserve dharmas as a dependable place. This is called ‘physical action.’”
“What is verbal action?”
“Expounding, making plain, analyzing, comparing the realities of things is called ‘verbal action.’”
“What is mental action?”
“The mind taking delight, thinking, collecting itself, and depending on something is called ‘mental action.’”

In both cases, physical and verbal actions are in fact physical and verbal actions interpreted in a context of the religious life.

The Śāriputra Abhidharma

This was apparently a large part of the Abhidharma Piṭaka of the Dharmaguptaka school. Outside of the Chinese translation of the Dīrgha Āgama and a Gandhari remnant of their version of the Saṅgītiparyāya, this Abhidharma compendium is the main source we have for Dharmaguptaka doctrinal teachings. Chapter 5 of Part 2 is a lengthy commentary on the twelve-step chain of dependent origination.

The passage defining action conditioned by ignorance reads:

How does ignorance condition action? Ignorance conditions actions of merit, actions of demerit, and actions that are imperturbable.

What are actions of demerit? Unskillful physical actions, unskillful verbal actions, and unskillful mental actions.

What are unskillful physical actions? If a person doesn’t end their lack of wisdom and ignorance, they commit acts of killing, stealing, sexual intercourse, and other unskillful physical actions. This is called unskillful physical action.

What are unskillful verbal actions? If a person who has yet to end their lack of wisdom and ignorance speaks falsely, duplicitously, harshly, idly, or do any other unskillful verbal actions, these are called unskillful verbal actions.

What are unskillful mental actions? If a person has yet to end their lack of wisdom and ignorance, they produce greed, hate, and wrong views. These are called unskillful mental actions.

These physically, verbally, and mentally unskillful actions are called actions of demerit and ignorance conditioning actions in the present world.

What are actions of merit? Physically skillful actions, verbally skillful actions, and mentally skillful actions.

What are physically skillful actions? If a person who has yet to end their lack of wisdom and ignorance doesn’t kill, steal, engage in sex, and does other physically skillful actions, these are called physically skillful actions.

What are verbally skillful actions? If a person who has yet to end their lack of wisdom and ignorance doesn’t speak falsely, duplicitously, harshly, or idly, or does other verbally skillful actions, this is called verbally skillful actions.

What are mentally skillful actions? If a person who has yet to end their lack of wisdom and ignorance has no greed, no hate, and right view, these are called mentally skillful actions.

These physically, verbally, and mentally skillful actions are called actions of merit and ignorance conditioning actions in the present world.

Furthermore, suppose a person who has yet to end their lack of wisdom and ignorance parts with desire and what’s bad and unskillful. With perception and investigation, that seclusion produces joy and happiness, and they accomplish the practice of the first dhyāna. That physical deed is something unintentional and ethical and enters the knowing of a collected mental awareness. That verbal deed is something unintentional and ethical and enters the knowing of a collected mental awareness. That mental deed is something that produces feelings, conceptions, intentions, contacts, and considerations from one’s mind. In this way, physically, verbally, and mentally skillful actions are called actions of merit and ignorance conditioning actions of the present world.

I will stop here for the time being, but we can see that, again, physical, verbal, and mental saṃskāra were interpreted as actual physical, verbal, and mental actions. The analysis continues with a series of cases like these covering present and future saṃskāra that are conditioned by ignorance. Imperturbable actions were interpreted as the attainments of formless samādhi.

When action that conditions awareness is discussed, we see the interpretation of saṃskāra change from literal actions to intentions, but as a category it also includes the functions of the senses and past actions that lead to the awareness of different realms of rebirth:

How does action condition awareness? There are conditions common to intentions of desire that give rise to awareness of desire. Such conditions of present action give rise to present awareness. This is called action conditioning present awareness.

There are [conditions] common to dislike … common to foolishness … Nothing in common with desire … nothing in common with dislike … nothing in common with foolishness … skillfulness … unskillfulness …

There are conditions of neutral intention that give rise to neutral awareness. In this way, conditions of present actions give rise to present awareness. This is called action conditioning present awareness.

The condition of the eye and condition of forms give rise to awareness. If those actions of eye and forms condition awareness, such conditions are present actions giving rise to present awareness. This is present action conditioning present awareness.

… ear … nose … tongue … body … condition of the mind and condition of ideas give rise to awareness. If those actions of mind and ideas condition awareness, such conditions are present actions giving rise to present awareness. This is called present action conditioning present awareness.

Furthermore, suppose a person who has yet to end their lack of wisdom and ignorance produces unskillful physical actions … unskillful verbal actions … unskillful mental actions. Having done those unskillful actions, they will fall to hell or among animals or hungry ghosts when their body breaks up and their life ends. Because of these circumstances, their first awareness of being in Hell, an animal, or a hungry ghost arises. The cause of action and the circumstances of formation give rise to visual awareness … mental awareness and later cognitions. In this way, the condition of present action give rise to future awareness. This is action conditioning future awareness.

There are many permutations of this last case covering various rebirth circumstances. I will stop here to save time and space.

The Abhidharma Dharmaskandha

The Dharmaskandha (lit. “Collection of Teachings”) is a Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma text that covers a set of essential Dharma topics. While the topics it covers are very similar to those found in the Theravāda Abhidhamma Vibhaṅga, the format is that of sūtra commentary. Each chapter opens with the quotation of a short sūtra from a version of the Ekottarika or Saṃyukta Āgama. The text then presents an explanation of the topic, which can reach the level of detail of a word-for-word commentary.

The twelve-step chain of dependent origination is covered in Chapter 21 of Xuanzang’s Chinese translation of the Dharmaskandha. There is also a Sanskrit fragment of the same material extant that preserves most of the chapter.

The passage on saṃskāra being conditioned by ignorance reads:

How does ignorance condition action? The Bhagavān said: “Monks, you should know, greed, dislike, and delusion arise because of the cause of ignorance and the condition of ignorance. This is the nature of greed, dislike, and delusion.” This is called ignorance conditioning action.

Furthermore, the Bhagavān said, “Monks, you should know, ignorance gives rise to measureless kinds of bad and unskillful things such as the lack of shame and conscience because it is their forerunner and their banner. Wrong views arise because of the lack of shame and conscience. Wrong thinking arises because of wrong views. Wrong speech arises because of wrong thinking. Wrong actions arise because of wrong speech. Wrong livelihoods arise because of wrong actions. Wrong endeavors arise because of wrong livelihoods. Wrong mindfulness arises from wrong endeavors. Wrong samādhi arises from wrong mindfulness.” Wrong views, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong deeds, wrong livelihoods, wrong endeavors, wrong mindfulness, and wrong samādhi are called ignorance conditioning action.

Furthermore, the Bhagavān said, “Monks, you should know, all the measureless kinds of bad and unskillful things that arise have ignorance as their root, ignorance as their formation, are kinds of ignorance, and arise from ignorance. Someone who falls to an ignorant destiny doesn’t truly know what’s skillful or unskillful, what’s blameworthy and what’s not, what should be practiced and what shouldn’t, what’s inferior or superior, what’s black or white, what has an opposite, or the things that dependently arise. Because they don’t truly know these things, wrong view, wrong thinking … up to … wrong mindfulness, and wrong samādhi arise.” This is called ignorance conditioning action.

Furthermore, the Buddha stated in the Clay Jar Parable Sūtra: “Ignorance is the condition for the creation of merit, demerit, and imperturbable actions.”

What are meritorious actions? They are skillful physical and verbal deeds that are contaminated and actions that aren’t associated with mind or mental objects. Such actions for the long night bring lovely, enjoyable, delightful, and agreeable maturing fruits. These fruits are called merits and called meritorious fruits. This is called meritorious action because of these meritorious deeds and their matured fruits.

What are demeritorious actions? They are unskillful physical and verbal deeds that are contaminated and actions that aren’t associated with mind or mental objects. Such actions for the long night bring unlovely, not enjoyable, not delightful, and disagreeable maturing fruits. These fruits are called demerits and called demeritorious fruits. This is called demeritorious action because of these demeritorious deeds and their matured fruits.

What are imperturbable actions? They are the four formless samādhis, which are contaminated and skillful. This is called imperturbable action.

How does ignorance condition the commission of demeritorious action? There is a type [of person] that commits physical, verbal, and mental bad actions because of thoughts bound up by greed, dislike, and delusion. These three bad actions are called demeritorious action. As a result of these circumstances, a person falls to Hell when their body breaks up and their life ends. They continue committing demeritorious actions there. This is called ignorance conditioning the commission of demeritorious action. The realms of animals and ghosts should be understood in the same way as was said about Hell.

How does ignorance condition the commission of meritorious action? There is a type who enjoys tying their thoughts to the aspiration for the human destiny. They have this thought: “I hope I will be born human with the same lot and enjoy the same pleasures as human communities do.” As a result of this aspiration, he does superb physical, verbal, and mental actions that bring about the human destiny. These three superb actions are called meritorious action. As a result of these circumstances, they are born in the human destiny when their body breaks up and their life ends, and they enjoy the same pleasures as those human communities. They continue committing these meritorious actions. This is called ignorance conditioning the commission of meritorious action.

Some don’t tie their thoughts to the aspiration for human pleasures. They commit the superb physical, verbal, and mental actions simply because ignorance shrouds and motivates their thoughts. These three superb actions are called meritorious action. As a result of these circumstances, they are born in the human destiny when their body breaks up and their life ends, [and they enjoy the same pleasures as those human communities.] They continue committing these meritorious actions. This is called ignorance conditioning the commission of meritorious action.

As before, these cases detailing the ways in which actions lead to different types of rebirth continue. When the commentary turns to saṃskāra conditioning awareness, we read:

What is awareness conditioned by action? There is a type who gives rise to awareness together with greed, dislike, and delusion because of being conditioned by intentions produced together with greed, dislike, and delusion. This is called awareness conditioned by action.

Again, there is a type who gives rise to awareness together with no greed, no dislike, and no delusion because of being conditioned by intentions produced together without greed, dislike, or delusion. This is called awareness conditioned by action.

Furthermore, visual awareness arises conditioned by the eye and forms. Here, the eye is action that is internally existing, and forms are the external conditions that produce visual awareness. This is called awareness conditioned by action. … mental awareness arises conditioned by the mind and ideas. Here, the mind is action that is internally existing, and ideas are the external conditions that produce mental awareness. This is called awareness conditioned by action.

Furthermore, the Buddha stated in the Clay Jar Parable Sūtra: “After committing meritorious, demeritorious, and imperturbable actions, there is a resulting meritorious, demeritorious, or imperturbable awareness.”

How is there a resulting demeritorious awareness after committing demeritorious actions? There is a type who commits physical, verbal, and mental bad actions because their mind is shrouded by greed, dislike, and delusion. These three bad actions are called demeritorious action. As a result of these circumstances, they fall to Hell when their body breaks up and their life ends, and awareness arises there. This is called there being resulting demeritorious awareness after committing demeritorious actions. As has been said about Hell, so it is with the world of animals and hungry ghosts.

And so forth for the other kinds of action. As we can see, then, saṃskāra was considered the karmic actions that lead to specific kinds of rebirth, and the step of awareness being conditioned by saṃskāra was in fact the passing from one life to the next. Thus, many commentaries on the twelve steps assign the first two to the past, the middle eight to the present life, and the last two to the future.


Just a quick side comment @cdpatton, I very much appreciate your various posts; there’s a wealth of knowledge there which few people would match.

A small typo I suspect…
“What are meritorious actions? They are skillful physical and verbal deeds that are contaminated…”
…should likely be aren’t contaminated.


Wonderful, Charles! Thank you for sharing :slight_smile:

What I find interesting is the shared Abhidharma analysis of the six senses as conditions for awareness. This reminds me of suttas such as:

“The eye [ear … mind] is old deeds (kamma). It should be seen as produced by choices (abhisaṅkhataṁ) and intentions, as something to be felt.”
SN 35.146

So it seems that the Abhidharma texts you cite are probably drawing from this idea found in the suttas, which also use derivatives of the word ‘saṅkhāra.’ I assume what they are trying to get across is that the past kamma performed conditions awareness because the past kamma ripens as senses in a particular realm of existence on account of which awareness arises. Do you interpret it otherwise?

EDIT: The Sanskrit text confirms this hypothesis:

api khalu cakṣuḥ pratītya rūpāṇi cotpadyate cakṣurvijñānaṁ | tatra cakṣuḥsaṁskṛtaṁ rūpāṇi ca bāhyaṁ pratyayaṁ cakṣurvijñānasya tad ucyate saṁskārapratyayaṁ vijnānaṁ | śrotraghrāṇajihvākāyamanaḥ pratītya dharmāṁś cotpadyate manovijñānaṁ | tatra manaḥsaṁskṛtaṁ dharmāś ca bāhyaṁ pratyayaṁ manovijñānasya tad ucyate saṁskārapratyayaṁ vijñānaṁ

That is different from the Theravādin Abhidhamma analysis as far as I know. Someone please correct me if I’m mistaken. Not that Theravādins would disagree, but I’m not familiar with that particular explanation of the link.

The same sutta goes on to say:

“And what is new deeds?
“The deeds you currently perform by way of body, speech, and mind.”
SN 35.146

Here the Abhidharma sources also seem to follow suit, as they discuss both active intentions and actions, as well as the results of those as conditions for awareness.

One commonality is that both the Theravādins (c.f. the Visuddhimagga section) and these schools seem to allow the “choices are the condition for awareness” link to include two aspects: the arising of consciousness in general in various realms, and the arising of consciousness together with particular mental factors, such as the wholesome or unwholesome roots. That is, they interpret it not just as re-linking consciousness, but also as the types of consciousness that arise throughout life, shaped by the accumulated past deeds and intentions.

The latter interpretation is, to me, more Abhidharma in flavor. It is close to the citta model, where individual cittas and cetasikas of various kinds arise, some active and some resultant, but not both at once.

All the best.


One sutta that has been floating around in my subconscious is SN 22.81. In SN 22.81, a mendicant thinks

“How do you know and see in order to end the defilements in the present life?”

which prompts the Buddha to explain how a variety of self views arise because of contact mixed with ignorance:

They regard form as self. But that regarding is just a [saṅkhāra]
And what’s the source, origin, birthplace, and inception of that [saṅkhāra?]
When an unlearned ordinary person is struck by feelings born of contact with ignorance, craving arises.
That [saṅkhāra] is born from that.

This phrase also appears in SN 22.47:

Struck by feelings born of contact with ignorance, an unlearned ordinary person thinks ‘I am’

But here the context of rebirth is clearer:

As long as they’re not rid of the conceit ‘I am’, the five faculties are conceived (avakkanti)
The five faculties ‘stay right where they are’ (tiṭṭhanta + eva)

Just going by my Pali dictionary, avakkanti also means rebirth and here IMO implies the rebirth from the previous life. Wheras tiṭṭhanteva can be read as persist, meaning IMO the five faculties persist into the next life for one who still thinks ‘I am’.

Bhante @Sujato, do you think the translations are worth changing here?

Edit: also ‘the five faculties’ probably mean just the five senses here also? Since the sutta implies the formless attainments? I’m not 100% sure how to interpret everything here, I have to say :sweat_smile:

Edit3: I guess my point is, could the teachings on contact mixed with ignorance be the basis for the more mind-moment-citta type Abhidhamma/dharma analysis?

Actually, I think this is correct … both good and bad actions are contaminated because they lead to further rebirth. It’s when they are given up and ignorance is removed that one becomes uncontaminated (which is my translation of P. āsava).


Thank you for pointing this out … I thought it was strange for the senses to be called “action,” but this was the likely source for that bit of the definition. Interesting!


Yes, meritorious, demeritorious and imperturbable formations arise not from a dimension that is uninclined, signless, empty, desireless but arise from a base of passion, signs, inclinations.

In agreement with Theravada and the suttas/sutras, which is why the 3 life model is the non-sectarian teaching.

That’s pretty much the same as Theravada

Loving your work as always @cdpatton !

sabbe sattā āhāraṭṭhitikā.
All beings are sustained by food.

sabbe sattā saṅkhāraṭṭhitikā.
All beings are sustained by actions.

The difference is that Theravada insists that samskara is intention rather than actions themselves. This is why we have Bodhi translating it as “volitional formations” throughout all of his works. He’s taking the CMA reading as authoritative.


Actions or activities is way better than formations or confections or preperations etc etc.

The corporial evidence for it is fascinating but i have too many tabs open to figure it out.

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Dhamma Sukka here today after reading this. Now all I have to do is not fall into hell I suppose. It might be easier said than done.

The use of 3L model is that it explains how there is a reservoir of passion with us.
The use of a 1 life model is that we understand that we can fill or drain this reservoir in our lifes.

If our thinking, speaking and acting is based upon this reservoir of passion, it is not pure, not based upon dispassion. These are all deeds that are meritorious, demeritorious and impertuable. The Buddha called this the mundane, not supra mundane.

If we see that filling the reservoir is not the path to end suffering we make a connection with the teachings. Filling the reservoir is a downwards Path towards becoming more passionate and fettered. Draining the reservoir goes towards freedom.

If the reservoir of passion is drained, our thinking, speaking and acting is based upon dispassion. It is called supramundane, or also beyond kamma, beyond dark, bright and mixed kamma.

This is shared in many sutta’s.

Well it’s intention by way of body, speech or mind in Theravada so it’s really a distinction without a difference unless you think the Buddha took the Jain view that all action is significant.

A 1 life model is a modern notion.

I believe buddhist have always practiced letting go of arising passions in a momentary way. What else?

This means, step 9, upadana, feeding the passions does not take place.
And if one does not feed the passions, mind also never becomes constructed into a greedy mind or hateful mind etc. I feel it is all very legitimate to say that this way buddhist have always made an end to upadana-bhava-jati…etc.

A modern notion is that PS is restricted to taken birth as human from a womb. Oke, the suttas focus on this because they are adressed to humans. But if you think about this, birth cannot really be something physical. For example, if a baby is born death, has rebirth as human taken place? Do not think so.
Birth and rebirth are really determined by the mind not really by the physical body.

What is birth?..the manifestation of the khandha’s, the sutta’s teach. Or really only vinnana in short, because in practice vinnana, sanna, vedana and certain sankhara cannot be seperated.

In a very coarse way we can think of (re)birth as something physical but in a more subtle way (seen from within), i believe it really only refers to the re-establishing of vinnana moments, or the arising of perceptions and feelings.

In that sense it is also legitmate to say that every morning when we awaken, we are born again. And after death the perspective may shift and we are maybe born with perceptions and feelings of deva, animal etc But for ourselves this rebirth is merely the re-establishing of vinnana’s.

Oh jee

Birth means what the common understanding is. Being born. The Buddha was pointing to natural processes, not some highly abstract and contorted philosophy. On death, being awakened doesn’t mean you won’t get sick or die I’m sorry to say.

What i see is that arising plans, intentions, tendencies give rise to a self-awareness.
A limited, burdened mind. An awareness with a perception of self and things belonging to self.

That self-awareness establishes upon these volitional activities. Those volitional activities when they arise, they construct a world of conceit and conceiving. See for yourself. A world of self and things possessing to a self arises.

I see this as the same for rebirth. Rebirth supports on the same processes as self-awareness in this very life. SN12.38
I believe in this way all relates. The same volitional activities that in this life construct a mental world also construct new bhava or mental world after passing away.

Mere the idea that we have decided that we do not belong to the animal realm, is, i feel quit absurd. Who says so? Humans do! That conceited specie thinks it is so special that it must certaintly not be an animal. Euhh…
Tja…ofcourse this is all our own invention. This world in which one specie is an animal and the other is human only exist in our fantasies. Why would one even believe such is not invented?

The distinction is to do with the mind rather than biology.