Samana/ascetic - discussing the meaning with regards to receiving alms

Ah, well I was trying to be subtle and kind. Sometimes a word to the wise is enough they say!

The danger I see is that although you describe yourself are a “relative beginner” you then proceed to present yourself as an expert, in things such as Pali, monasticism Buddhist culture and even making claims about attaining the very highest meditation states:

For example, all the literature and guidance on jhāna states do not adequately prepare oneself for the actual experience, particularly the higher levels or non-sensual (eg. arupa) states. I remember when I first experienced them, I was surprised that there is no elation or joy, or sense of accomplishment associated with them. I was glad I did not read a lot of the literature on the subject, I suspect I would have ended up very confused and possibly it may even hinder my progress.


(Incidentally, please see the forum’s policy on making claims about meditation - these are in place because of the danger of incorrect or unscrupulous people adversely influencing others by presenting themselves as attained)

Another danger I see for less informed forum members is that you make authoritative sounding statements which are totally incorrect such as:


The second quote above is after I offered you an example of it’s actual use., But you get to decide that even if it is used then they aren’t practicing properly?

Monastics frequently chant the ovada patimokkha (the heart of the Buddha’s teachings for monastics) which features the phrase:

No true renunciate injures another,
Na hi pabbajito parūpaghātī,
nor does an ascetic hurt another.
Na samaṇo hoti paraṁ viheṭhayanto

Both the terms samano and pabbajito here are used referring to the monks. There is a whole history and culture of using this term to describe monks.

As for your disbelief that you linked alms giving with economic consequences:

Here you go:

In my post above, I gently tried to point out the wrong views you had mentioned —no need to defend them again here. I did it out of concern for others who might read what you’ve said and become confused about things like almsgiving, refuge, meditation etc.

Best wishes once again.