Santi Forest Monastery talk archive is back! 👂

After a bit of prompting from several D&D community members I’m pleased to announce that the Santi Forest Monastery audio archive is back!

This includes many, many talks from Bhante Sujato. There is an extensive collection of sutta classes including the entire Majjhima Nikaya.
:ear: :dharmawheel: :yellow_heart:


Thank you very much Venerable Pasannaṃ for reorganising the archive.
Sadhu sadhu sadhu :pray: :pray: :pray:


Hey Ven, thanks so much!

Is maintaining this a problem? Could we help?


I think it’s all sorted now.

The plugin that was doing the job wasn’t compatible with newer versions of php, so I had to find a new one. Then I had permission problems, which seem to not want to resolve… so I forgot about it. Then this morning I realised it was just a .htaccess thing. Now it should take care of itself! :nerd_face:


Hi Kaz, I hope to see you on the 15th Of December For online refuges and precepts with Ayya. Sahdu, Scott!

Significant Dhamma Sukka here! Sahdu Venerable from Adelaide!