Search Function Idea

So I’ve had this idea for a while, thought it might be also useful for others so I figured if it’s possible. :relieved:

When I search a term in Pāli, I usually want to go straight to the aligned text instead of the root text. I know the arrows here lead to the plex, but it’s still 2x clicks and load ups (which can take quite a while):

So, perhaps the plex could open in the same page, or perhaps we could have a button to a standard translation (I know it doesn’t apply to some chinese, sanskrit texts, etc).

I think it would save a bit of time for people in the long run. Thought I’d ask. :slight_smile:

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I have absolutely thought about this. Would very much welcome a discussion around how it would look in practice. I don’t believe it has been brought up before.


Yes this’d be great, but maybe line-by-line would fit better. Or a toggle to show your native language.


A very roundabout way to go about it would be root editions also showing an aligned translation whenever applicable in your chosen language (english default).

Or a very direct way would be to use whatever URL system we have that links i.e Thig 1.1 to the english version.

For example, MA 30 has no translation available, and goes to root edition. MA1 does have a translation, so that’s what pops up. The same formula could be adopted perhaps?

Testing SA 63 for example, which doesn’t have a Patton translation (all the links seem to go to Patton here specifically), it goes to root edition even though there’s an V. Analayo translation (with parallels open at the top). Hmmm.

I believe the translations by Venerable Analayo are legacy translations, so can’t be shown aligned with Pali.