Searching SuttaCentral

Hello @karl_lew and all,

Elsewhere the use of the word “AND” (with a space on both sides) followed by a search term has been documented. So we can search, for example, for

Elsewhere the use of search qualifier “uid:” followed by a search string possibly containing the wildcard “*” has been documented. A “uid” refers to the short name of a text, e.g., SN56.11. Therefore, the following can be used to search for the word dukkha in the Suttanipata: dukkha AND uid:snp*

Unfortunately, the following search (probably intended to find only terms in MN) also picks up terms in MND. But there’s hope. Read on.

Here’s a few undocumented search features that I’ve stumbled on.

We can add the qualifier “AND NOT” (again with spaces before and after) to restrict the query. So, for example, we can look for texts that include the word dukkha, but not the word anicca: dukkha AND NOT anicca

But, oh no, this has english texts and the search was probably looking only for Pali texts. There’s more hope. Read on. First we can fix the query above intended to search only in the MN: dukkha AND uid:mn* AND NOT uid:mnd*.

Now for the additional qualifiers. The one’s I’ve found are “author:” and “lang:” (for language). So we can restrict a search to Pali texts by adding " AND lang:pli" and to translations by Bhikkhu Sujato by adding " AND author:sujato".

Hopefully new search features will let us do things like that through a GUI. Enjoy.
