Citation and Sutta Name Lookup Tools 🛠

Initial thoughts on Sutta name look up. It worked exactly as I thought it would. It’s fantastic!

I can’t imagine using the exact match, but it’s good to have it there. I would prefer not to have to choose a language - my brain works in both English and ‘sloppy’ (I mean fuzzy :wink: ) pali interchangeably, so ‘either’ might be an additional language option?

As far as integration goes I haven’t really thought about it’s feasibility, but one box that I can type whatever - number or name (incl regex) in whatever language, but also retain some ‘advanced level’ for finer control. Would be awesome to have PTS lookup tool integrated in there too at some point?

I have a feeling that these tools are going to be hanging out in my open tabs pretty much constantly. Thanks once again for them!