Citation and Sutta Name Lookup Tools šŸ› 

It is in fact missing most of the translators. There are actually lots and lots of translators of English texts. But Bhante Sujato is the only one who has all of the major and most of the minor books. (He doesnā€™t have Vv, Pv, or Ja). Bhante Bodhi has a whole lot (and heā€™s popular) so thatā€™s why I included him.

The app works from a table of available suttas on each of the websites. To add all the translators to the interface would require keeping lots more information about what exists on SuttaCentral. And there is no mechanism for me to be informed when new ones are added. But I agree it would be a great feature.

You are absolutely correct that the app relies on SCā€™s functionality of falling back to whatever translation exists. My thought with the app was giving people a quick way to get to a translation, not generating a perfect link. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t default to the ā€œAllā€, aka SuttaPlex card. Because that would require an extra click to get to a translation. And there is only a very narrow selection of suttas (in the Vv and Pv) that wonā€™t redirect you to a translation because they donā€™t exist on SC.

Iā€™ve tweaked the instructions (in the info tab) to make the behaviour a little more clear.

For the Ancient Buddhist Text website I do actually have full links stored to the pages because they are done in words not just citations that can be calculated like the other sites.

It didnā€™t make sense to me to keep track of the five different translators of the Jatakas when SC would be able to get you to the right place anyway.

One thought that I had was to not display the link as part of the button. Having it there made it easier to troubleshoot, but it may not make sense to show it to the user as it does seem like it may be promising something that doesnā€™t exist.

Thanks so much for the feedback! Itā€™s really helpful.

Yes. Thatā€™s right.


No. I mean that it wasnā€™t clear that they were greyed out. To be fair, I was on my phone when I first tried it, so I was watching where to put my finger rather than what was happening in the UI.

:rofl: :rofl: I thought I had! ā€¦

So you have this:

I would prefer this:

I think even just a simple separator line (or different colour background for each) wouldā€™ve helped me understand they were two different functions. Obviously now that I understand it, I see it as two separate functions.

And I really like that.

I like my interfaces to be explicit, but I see what you mean. Maybe having them say ā€˜nothing availableā€™ is just cluttering it up. :woman_shrugging:

Effectively theyā€™re buttons, so they could be greyed out (and empty) while nothing is available I guess? It would make the interface more consistent? Maybe?

And very handy that is too!

To be clear, it didnā€™t take me long to work out what was going on, and once I had it was fine. I was just monitoring and recording my confusion when first presented with the interface.

Itā€™s a pleasure. I know how hard it is to get feedback on these things sometimes.

Sounds great!


Oh, gosh, Iā€™m thick. I didnā€™t realize that you had taken the time to make a real mockup so your label confused me. At some point I think I may have grayed the text out too, but obviously that wasnā€™t happening. Thanks so much. Thatā€™s super helpful. Fixed now.

Iā€™ll keep all your other comments in mind, especially as I try to integrate the Pali name lookup tool. Any thoughts on that?

These are awesome, congratulations!

It is currently not real, but it will be soon.

This is a somewhat complex issue that Hongda is currently working on. We want to make it so that ā€œrange suttasā€ (mainly dhp and the AN 1s and AN 2s, tho the concept could be extended further) can be accessed via different URLs. Normally on SC, of course, one URL = 1 resource. But in these cases there is no one, ā€œnaturalā€ way to present the texts.

So the aim with Dhammapada would be that normal navigation remains as-is (via vagga). But you can also navigation to a single verse (/dhp123) or to the whole Dhammapada on a page, with the verse linked (/dhp#123). Itā€™s a tricky one, because the concept of one sutta = one page is baked deeply into SC, and it affects a range of Page data. You can track progress here.


Thatā€™s wonderful. A prerequisite for criticizing any sutta website should be that you have to try and make one first. The number of tricky bits is almost limitless. Thanks for all your hard work. And the whole team, of course.

Initial thoughts on Sutta name look up. It worked exactly as I thought it would. Itā€™s fantastic!

I canā€™t imagine using the exact match, but itā€™s good to have it there. I would prefer not to have to choose a language - my brain works in both English and ā€˜sloppyā€™ (I mean fuzzy :wink: ) pali interchangeably, so ā€˜eitherā€™ might be an additional language option?

As far as integration goes I havenā€™t really thought about itā€™s feasibility, but one box that I can type whatever - number or name (incl regex) in whatever language, but also retain some ā€˜advanced levelā€™ for finer control. Would be awesome to have PTS lookup tool integrated in there too at some point?

I have a feeling that these tools are going to be hanging out in my open tabs pretty much constantly. Thanks once again for them!


This is awesome, Iā€™ve used it every day since - reading alternate translations which I would likely not have otherwise accessed. I donā€™t read pali, but this is a very easy way to get another angle.

Anyway, some feedback on a quirk - itā€™s not a problem for me, just an fyi. For a change, I thought to investigate a random Therigatha verse, Iā€™ve heard of them but never read anyā€¦didnā€™t even know where to find them(!). SuttaFriends > Theri > random verse took me to Thig11.1. Once Iā€™d read it, as an experiment, into the main search box of Citation Helper I entered Thig11ā€¦and the page goes completely blank. (repeatable, same behavior in Edge and Chrome).

Thanks again for providing this, sometimes just a few small words translated differently can open up a new understanding. :slight_smile: :pray:


Thatā€™s not a quirk, thatā€™s a bug! Thanks so much for letting me know.

Youā€™ve never read the Therigatha? My goodness you are in for a treat. So happy that SuttaFriends could help you.

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OK, should be fixed now. For anyone curious about why this was happeningā€¦

Books are either a collection of suttas or a collection of chapters with suttas in them. And on the three websites the plugin really deals with (at least by calculating the urls programmatically) that is the limit to the levels, even though traditionally there may be more internal grouping.

There is one unusual case though, and thatā€™s with the Thera and Therigatha. In those books there are a few chapters that, in effect, only have a single sutta. SuttaCentral and SuttaFriends deal with this by giving them the citation chapter.1. So for example, Thig11.1. But there is only one ā€œsuttaā€ aka Theri in that chapter. However, on, this is sutta has the citation Thig11.

Right now you can get all three links, but the script will only give you SC and SF if you put in Thag11.1. But along the way, when you type ā€œThag11ā€ it will pop up DT. Not ideal, but at least now itā€™s not broken!


Iā€™ve done an overhaul of the name lookup tool. Also has a new link:

As always, feedback is welcome.

I still have one major improvement to make so that the interface is more responsive.

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I am having trouble reading the darker font color on the dark background:

Screenshot from 2022-05-01 08-42-16

For example, I found it hard to spot that in an$ words ending with "am" the third character is a $, and not a s.


Oh, yes. Thatā€™s a good point. Also the font was smaller for some reason. Please tell me what you think now:

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This looks much clearer, yes. Thank you!

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hmmm I expected the sutta name to be linkafied too (not just the number). And I expected the link to take to me to the sutta.rf ā€œCitation Helperā€ so I could get my pick of translation / Pāli :slight_smile:

Great expectations! Thanks.

Now the whole thing is a link.

Integrating the name lookup into the citation tool is a bigger project. Iā€™m still not sure how I want to do that. For me Iā€™m happy to always be taken to sc (after all, there is almost always a translation waiting there) and then if I do need other translations go back and look those up. But I can understand why that would not be great for everyone.

If the citation helper supported links you wouldnā€™t have to integrate beyond constructing the link. Just add a query param ?ref=DN%204 or whatever, no?

Right. Thatā€™s probably how I will implement it, but it would still be as an option. I probably have a distorted perception of my data usage (OK, I definitely do) and data usage in general, but I would think that loading that whole citation helper tool each time would be a bit much.


Now you can also get links for and PaliAudio just has single pages for each chapter of the SN an AN, so you need to do a bit of looking once you follow the link. But for DN and MN itā€™s a direct link to the page with the audio.

Voice itself is having some minor bugs, but once things are fixed there you shouldnā€™t notice any problems.

Also, now there is a way to select which sites you want to include in your search. And all settings are saved from session to session.

As always thanks for the feedback, especially @Khemarato.bhikkhu and @stu.


Update 25 July 2022:

New for Citation Helper:

  • Pali title of the sutta is displayed at the top of the app. Still trying to decide if it should give the Pali or English name (or both)
  • The url is now a permalink to whatever sutta you are looking up. So when you have typed in mn23, the url will now look like this:

New for Name Lookup

  • You can now choose where the link will open:
    • SuttaCentral
    • Citation Helper
    • SC Light

Due to the work and persistence of Ven @Khemarato.bhikkhu, the Citation Helper app now puts history in your browser like any ordinary website. As long as you stay in the same tab, it will allow you to go back and forward through your history by clicking the browser buttons.

I also wanted to mention that having the citation in the url bar (like now allows you to use any of a number of plugins in your browser that let you select and search for text. So, for exampleā€¦

When you click on Citation Helper, it will open up the citation helper and put the selected text into the input field and look up the citation.

Ta da!


For FireFox, I use this one:

In Chrome I have used

But there is also this one that even has its own website.

Setting up a custom search is quite easy. For example in the Firefox plugin, you just put this into the settings:

In Chromeā€™s Selection Search itā€™s similar:

Let me know if you try it out and if you have any problems.

These plugins are really useful in general if you often find yourself, for example, trying to find book titles on a certain book website like GoodReads or Amazon. And, come to think of it, you can do it for SuttaCentral too. The search string would be{searchTerms}
