“Separate but Equal”, the ideal doctrine for Monastics?

Dear Venerable,
I really appreciate your essay and I can totally see where you’re coming from. I would love to see monasteries where this works in practice. However, I don’t know whether every monastic would/should want to be in this arrangement.

I’ve stayed in mixed and single gender monasteries and found that in mixed monasteries my gender is a label attached to me and a limitation on what roles I play in the monastery. This is due to our wider cultural conditioning. Something we cannot escape. In a single gender monastery I can be stinky, dirty, drive the ute and do the plumbing :grin: It’d be great if everyone was at a stage on the path where they weren’t so attached to such things but it’s not the case.

I honestly hope that everyone with a monastic aspiration can feel relaxed and at ease in their environment and can find one which suits them.