Shades of spiritual development

It proves to be a pretty hefty topic that spans a good chunk of the texts. It’s something I’ve looked into some months ago, for one, trying to reconcile the list from MN 70 without satisfactory conclusion iirc.

In either case, just for items two through six from SN 48.15, AN 7.55 provides a pretty vivid metaphor for getting a sense of how they differ.

(tr. Bodhi) For example, when an iron bowl has been heated all day and is struck, a chip might fly off, rise up…

Different possible fates of that flying ‘chip’ are given to correspond to each item.

And SC lists MA 6 as parallel to AN 7.55 where the mapping to Chinese appears to be:

  • 中般涅槃 ~ antarā­pari­nib­bāyī
  • 生般涅槃 ~ upahac­ca­pari­nib­bāyī
  • 行般涅槃 ~ sasaṅ­khā­ra­pari­nib­bāyī (note the difference in order)
  • 無行般涅槃 ~ asaṅ­khā­ra­pari­nib­bāyī
  • 上流阿迦膩吒般涅槃 ~ akaniṭṭhagāmī

There’s another āgama SA 823 (cf. AN 3.88) that has a sequence that contains all ten shades of SN 48.15 and a couple more seemingly for the 3 types of stream entrants that @Mat mentions above.

  1. 『…梵行是立,所作已作…。』~? “…lived the holy life, done what had to be done…”
  2. 中般涅槃 ~ antarā­pari­nib­bāyī release midway
  3. 生般涅槃 ~ upahac­ca­pari­nib­bāyī release at landing
  4. 無行般涅槃 ~ asaṅ­khā­ra­pari­nib­bāyī without much trouble
  5. 有行般涅槃 ~ sasaṅ­khā­ra­pari­nib­bāyī with some trouble
  6. 上流般涅槃 ~ akaniṭṭhagāmī goes to the Pure Abodes
  7. 一種子道 ~? ekabījī one-seed attainer
  8. 斯陀含 ~ sakadāgāmī once-returner
  9. 家家 ~? kolaṅkola family-to-family attainer
  10. 須陀洹 ~ sotāpanna stream-winner
  11. 隨法行 ~ dhammānusārī Dhamma-follower
  12. 隨信行 ~ saddhānusārī faith follower

Note here that if the mapping above is correct, the order may be different from what we see in the pāḷi.