Should monks beware of living with novices?

This makes excellent sense, bhante. I am glad you are not in such a hurry that you don’t have time for this sort of in-depth analysis.

Another word which may need a new translation (compared to that of Ven. Bodhi’s) is sabbatt(h)atāya, found in the standard sutta description on how to practice the four brahmavihāras. Ven. Analayo has recently released a study of this word, in which he argues persuasively that it is a synonym for the words sabbadhi and sabbāvantam. (This, of course, would be natural since synonyms are often clustered in this way in the suttas.) In brief, he argues that the form sabbatthatāya is correct, not sabbattatāya, which is the form preferred by the commentaries and therefore the form which has influenced how the brahmavihāra practice is described in places like the Visuddhimagga.