Significance of Sujata story

The Buddha tried all those spiritual paths that is mentioned in the scriptures. He endured all that difficulty and asceticism, seemingly to no avail.
But then happened the Puna and Sujata story, according to which, Sujata prayed for the Buddha and afterwards, the BuddhiSattva actually became The Buddha.

Similarly, in Christianity, Jesus revealed himself to Mary first and then to his other disciples. There are similar themes and stories in Islamic Sufism as well in which women whether metaphorically or actually play important roles in enlightenment or in spirituality in general, but that seemingly does not belong to this thread.

What do you think about the story?; And in general, about the whole theme around women?

Women can be Perfected Buddhas just like men.

Can you give a source for this? The praying for the Bodhisattva bit. The story I know has her praying to the Bodhisatta wishing for a child because she thought he was the resident deva of the bodhi tree.

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