Some EBT translation stuff

Vedanānaṁ Phenomena,

samudayañca their arising,

atthaṅgamañca their cessation,

assādañca their flavor,

ādīnavañca their danger

nissaraṇañca and their escape,

yathābhūtaṁ having truly

viditvā understood these,

anupādāvimutto, completely released from attachment to these,

bhikkhave, beggers

Tathāgato. Is one gone thus.

I don’t understand atthaṅgamañca I don’t think, what is it’s definition?

It literally means setting (like a sunset) and is cognate to Sanskrit asta-gamana.

atthaṅgamañca = atthaṃ + gamaṃ + ca

Metaphorically here it means cessation (of sensations).


So the rising and the setting! Nice!

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Yes udaya (rising) is the word most commonly used for the rising sun (sūryodaya = sūrya-udaya).