Some inauthentic passages in the Early Buddhist Texts

You might consider adding some of the āgamas that I’m working with in my off-again on-again dharmakāya thread, if they are EBTs, they seem unable to be “proven” to be so by any of the more rigorous methodologies that can be applied to parallels in Indic languages, and seem to exhibit some of the rūpakāya-dharmakāya Buddhology that characterizes a later period of Buddhism than what one usually deals with in EBTs. We really need a handy discovery of a complete copy of the Sanskrit.

Its an ambiguous issue, because 2 of them “are” EBTs, they have parallels, they match their parallels reasonably, and yet anomalous language features in them (such as discussing dharmakāya) that sets them apart from “normal” EBTs.

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