Sotapatti - hugh, what is it good for?

Thanks for your reply and the interesting perspective. Of course, like anyone else, I just know the texts and not what the Buddha actually said. Yet, I prefer not to assume that what is written is automatically Buddha-word and thus worth keeping. Rather I try to go the other way round, see what is relevant for the actual practice and then adjust the set of teachings that are personally important to me. (Methodically btw I think it would be difficult to distinguish what in the suttas was Buddha-word and what the teachings of, say, two generations later).

That’s interesting, so I understand that the first attainments actually help with the practice, or rather with the motivation (and we can count in the pre-sotapatti stages of dhamma- and faith-follower).

So if there were just wordlings and arahants many people might actually get the impression that the goal is impossible for them to achieve and would not even try. But the rebirth-mechanic together with the attainments would motivate them to start and continue - kind of like more achievable mile-stones, not consolation-prizes, is that correct?

Btw I would love it if the destruction of the individual fetters were clear for myself and others to see. Then the attainments would be actually observable and a confirmation of the teachings.