Spanish translation


My name is Francisco. Since 2020 Im studying Buddhism, and talking with monks.
My native language is spanish but I also speak english.
I send you this message because I have found that the spanish translation from Anton Baron has a lot of errors. Additionaly, I have spoken with him and he has told me that his translation is not well produced.
Please, could you make an update with the spanish paralells?
Here is a site that has good translations.



Hello there. :slight_smile:

Looking at the web page, I see those translations are copyrighted by Edición de Bosque Theravada.

Looking at the copyright notice it says (Google Translation):

Theravada Forest Terms of Use: You may copy, reformat, reprint, republish and redistribute this work in any medium, provided that you (1) make such copies etc. available free of charge; (2) clearly indicate that any derivation of this work (including translation) must acknowledge this document as its source; and (3) include the full text of this license in any copy or derivation of this work. Otherwise, all rights reserved.

Are you an official from the said website by any chance?

Bhantes @sujato and @Snowbird would be better equipped to answer you more clearly.


Im not an official of that website, but if you include the source, when updating the translation, it is correct.
Additionaly, do you have the mail from Bhante Sujato?

Bhante posts here regularly, I’m sure he’ll see it soon. :slight_smile:

It is up to Bhante @Sujato, but if someone were to take what is on the web and make a very clean version in a Word document, I might be willing to volunteer to convert it to the html need to put it up on SuttaCentral

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