Stillness and liberating insight

Thanks once again for sharing this interesting study of the sukkhavipassaka doctrine, which in a nutshell makes a possibility the occurrence of awakening without jhanas and is the basis of much of the ‘vipassana movements’ of nowadays.

It was interesting to learn from it that non-Theravada literature leveraged on their equivalents/parallels of the Susima Sutta (SN12.70) to support the idea that awakening can be eventuated through a cultivation of the path based on dry-insight meditative approaches alone.

While a part of me loves the idea that the path can be short-circuited and the serious development of jhana discarded altogether I can’t stop to ask myself how could I have confidence in that approach given that we have only one sutta in the whole of the Canon to support that?

One one side I ask myself wheter it is masochism to insist that there cannot be awakening without jhana , on the other I question whether it is not a risky call to give up totally the aspiration to cultivate the causes of jhana just because of what one single sutta tells me… :confused: