Stream-winning and anatta

It seems to me that behind @alaber’s posts there is a very specific and curious conspiracy theory about the Bhikkhu/Bhikkuni Sangha.

In simple English this theory suggests that the contemporary institution of Sangha is nothing​ but a way, almost a scam, some smart and lazy people found out to wear different robes, not work nor pay taxes, and get four basic requisites for free. :sweat:

This is for this theory denies totally the possibility that a Buddha established through the Vinaya and Patimokkha the foundations and boundaries of a model of right livelihood he Himself identified as the most likely to allow for awakening. Hence adherents of such view usually consider suttas like DN2, AN6.45 and MN 107 just not authentic.

Actually this conspiracy theory seems to rely on the hypothesis that just before his passing away the Buddha ordered the dissolution of the Sanghas. And hence the reference to the exhortation for us to be islands or refuges to ourselves.

If you look carefully you may find so-called EBT scholars who somehow adopt such sort of conspiracy theory. And of course it shapes most of their so-called academic insights into a model of Early Buddhism void of Patimokkha or Vinaya.

It is as well a pet point of view of those who cannot find either ways to further profit from Dhamma or are unable to move themselves towards the level of renunciation required for the holy life to take place and its fruits be heaped. These peculiar individuals are usually looking for ways to identify in EBTs evidence of non-ordained arahants.

I acknowledge this is off topic and so is this whole branch of the discussion. I have created a separate topic to discuss this curious manifestation of doubt and skepticism.
Skepticism and critique of the Bhikkhu / Bhikkhuni Sangha