Suffering as a gateway to the truth

More on the pivotal role of suffering. From AN 6.63 Nibbedhikasutta (Penetrative):

'Suffering should be known. The cause of suffering should be known. The diversity in suffering should be known. The result of suffering should be known. The cessation of suffering should be known. The path of practice for the cessation of suffering should be known.’ Thus it has been said. In reference to what was it said?
. . .
And what is the result of suffering? There are some cases in which a person overcome with pain, his mind exhausted, grieves, mourns, laments, beats his breast, and becomes bewildered. Or one overcome with pain, his mind exhausted, comes to search outside, 'Who knows a way or two to stop this pain?’ I tell you, monks, that suffering results either in bewilderment or in search. This is called the result of suffering.
. . .
Now when a disciple of the noble ones discerns suffering in this way, the cause of suffering in this way, the diversity of suffering in this way, the result of suffering in this way, the cessation of suffering in this way, and the path of practice leading to the cessation of suffering in this way, then he discerns this penetrative holy life as the cessation of suffering.

The bolded phrase is found here in Bhante Sujato’s translation.

This entire Sutta, by the way, would probably be my “desert island” sutta!