It appears more than once across the AN and SN. An example is SN54.5:
"When mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated in this way you can expect seven fruits and benefits.
What seven?
You attain enlightenment early on in this very life.
If not, you attain enlightenment at the time of death.
If not, with the ending of the five lower fetters you’re extinguished in between one life and the next …
you’re extinguished upon landing …
you’re extinguished without extra effort …
you’re extinguished with extra effort …
you head upstream, going to the Akaniṭṭha realm …
When mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated in this way you can expect these seven fruits and benefits.
Other suttas containing it include: SN48.15, AN7.55, SN48.24, AN7.19, AN7.16, AN7.95, SN48.66, SN51.26, AN10.63, AN10.64, AN3.88, AN3.87, AN4.131, SN46.3.