In some of Ajahn Sona’s talks, he mentions a sutta that talks of immersion in music as micca samadhi. However, the point he makes is that the immersion does include the jhana factors - the issue is that it relies on something external.
See, for example:
Part of the automatic transcription of the first clip, with some light editing:
The Buddha talks about this musician who comes to the Buddha, or somebody who appreciates music, and says when you’re
talking about this Samadhi or this jhana stuff that sounds like what I
experienced when I listen to music and the Buddha says yes he says is that
Samadhi when am I having Samadhi when I experienced that kind of bliss and joy
and focus and attention when I that absorption I listen to music and the
Buddha says yes it is Samadhi but it’s micca Samadhi it’s the wrong one.
I knew this story for a long time because it was a musician but it
always ended with: “Yeah but it’s the wrong one”, like the punchline of the story is: “Yeah yeah but it’s the wrong samadhi”.
It’s an incredibly important story because that’s a super normal
state is when you’re really enjoying and really moved and absorbed.
It’s not your normal state that’s why people like it …
This is very very important because the Buddha is saying yeah all of these characteristics of Samadhi are there and
the only problem with this is that is externalized is based on sound the structures of sound …
I’ve done some searches, including the Comprehensive Index of Pāli Suttas under music and samadhi, but with no luck…
In the second clip Ajahn Sona mentions the name of the person that the Buddha is talking to, which the auto-transcription renders as:
carnatic is his name
Frustratingly, he doesn’t give even a hint of a sutta reference…