Sutta Tags Not Available

I’m not sure if this has already been discussed or is known, but I’ve been noticing that the Sutta tags that normally link back to SC are not available or apparent. For example, there is no option to click on MN 1 to see the title of the Sutta or link back to its corresponding page on SC.

We should bring them back because I miss them :wink:.


Yes, i know! @blake, tatiyampi, āvuso …

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Well I guess it never gets done if the third request fails, right? Sutta linkification is back.

I had to update the code to use the new discourse plugin API. I’m still working on the pali input - there are new plugin API functions which actually add explicit support for additional toolbar buttons, but I have to find my way around the plugin API and ember.


Nice, thanks. Of course they are rolling out a new Markdown engine soon, so we can look forward to everything breaking again!

Well, you know what they say about heads splitting in seven pieces …

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Thank you, Blake!