SuttaCentral: bug reports

I’m saying if you navigate specifically to AN 2.1.

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These suttas basically exist as “vagga suttas”, i.e. the document consists not of one sutta, but of the entire vagga. Segmented translations can be separated and displayed sutta-wise, but legacy translations obviously cannot.

And if the document is titled “1-10” there is no reason for the software not to show it for AN 2.1.

But you are the programmer, not I …

But it’s not. It’s titled 2.5–9

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No. The document is an2.1-10. It’s just the first header that is 2.5-9—and this is shown prominently on the website; not the document title.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
<meta name='author' content='Thanissaro Bhikkhu'>
<section id='an2.1-10' lang='en'>
<li class='division' lang='pli' translate='no'>Aṅguttara Nikāya</li>
<li class='subdivision'>Book of the Twos</li>
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Hi, just wanted to confirm, that SuttaCentral link from the SuttaCentral donation page does redirect me to the search as expected (although the returned results vary)!


The formatting (like <b>) is visible in the dictionary lookup. I think this is only recently the case. @HongDa


Thanks @richard.nagyfi

Recently, Digital Pali dictionary was used to replace the original NPCED dictionary.

Let me check.


Hi @Danny
Can I ask what browser and version you are using?
It looks normal in my local browser.

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I tried a hard refresh and indeed now it works! Sorry for the inconvenience, I will try a hard refresh next time first. :wink:

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This is not a bug but a possible enhancement.

Would it be possible to allow the reader to toggle a view where all comments/footnotes are stacked on the side?

If all comments are stacked to the side and opened, I can:

  1. Copy content from a comment
  2. Search across comments using the browser’s search function.

Have you tried this option:

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That’s precisely what I was looking for. I missed that. Thank you!

You’re most welcome! You might want to take a moment and check out the other options there. Who knows? There might be more neat things you didn’t know you needed. :blush:

It will look different if you have the Pali and English side by side. In that case it will put the notes under the segment they are for. But to accomplish what you want it shouldn’t matter.

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The “next” sutta has an English translation name, but for some reason the Pali is given.

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I was checking the German translation done by Hellmuth Hecker for SN35.159 and it seems the suttas don’t match up. I got the translation for the next sutta.

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Indeed, thanks for noticing! I compared with the printed edition, and that has the same deviation in numbering. That would be an undertaking of some sort to check the entire Samyutta (?) / Samyutta Nikaya (?) for consistency of numbering and align them … :see_no_evil:

If I didn’t have so much on my plate already I’d happily go through them, but I guess I can’t promise that for the foreseeable future. If you’d happen to have some capacity for that, that would be great! (But I guess you probably don’t.)

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I went to the beginning of the Samyutta to see if it matches there, but Hecker seems to be using his own kind of way to group the suttas. For example he takes the first six together. Did he translate the whole SN? I can check this samyutta, to see where the numbering went wrong.

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No, the first third of the SN is translated by Geiger, the second by Ven. Nyanaponika, and the third by Hecker. Hecker only translated what he considered necessary to complete the SN, and referred to parallels in other Nikayas if applicable, so that the SN is not only translated by three different translators, but a few more.

That too seems to be part of his, let me call it “minimal effort” policy.

Writing this, I am keeping in mind that Hecker never used a computer keyboard, but did all his work—and it was not little—on a classical old-fashioned typewriter! :astonished:

That would be great! Then I could still check the parts that require knowledge of the language. For example, at the end of some suttas, Hecker says what is different in the next so many suttas of the same chapter and skips translating those. You can see this when a sutta shows multiple numbers, like in our case SN35.159-160, where the aligned translation has the suttas separate.

So together, we could go through SN35, which would be a great start, and perhaps at a later point have a look at other Samyuttas if we come across more inconsistencies. Thank you!

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Thanks! I have found the first inconsistency. It is a SN35.136 and SN35.137, Heckler misses this second one.

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Thank you! Let’s start a separate private thread for that to save some work for the moderators. :slightly_smiling_face:

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