SuttaCentral sins: we made a mistake in designing URLs

Just to throw in a note…

First off, a very warm hello @eroux, lovely to hear from you again! Not long ago I had you in mind as I was trying to get some kind of handle on linked data and, more specifically how SC might well relate to it.

In all honesty, it’s still rather above my head, but at the same time, I have quite a strong instinct that there’s great relevance for SC in this area; both in terms of what it can give to the world of data/knowledge and how it might benefit and become more relevant/fortify its reach from having a presence in the broader net of linked knowledge (there are some very obvious datasets—the British Library and many other of the world’s libraries, DBpedia etc and, of course, BDRC, just thinking off the top of my head—that can be mutually enriched).

Following further (but still wobbly-legged) research on json-ld after making tentative comments in this thread earlier in the year, again by instinct I very much have the impression that json-ld is likely to be the right fit for SC (and certainly, whenever it can venture the matter of RDF, should preferenced over Turtle). Alas, I had to set poking into the issue aside for the time being so can’t yet present the solid case I’d want to, were I to take up advocacy.

Though reluctant to put my mind on gritty detail that gives me jam-brain, I thought to add comment here to pick up on this point:

Yes, to the limited extent that I do understand things, this is also what I believe to be the case.

I think the point of speaking to quite different purposes in some ways could perhaps do well to be drawn out more clearly. The best way I can think to do that is point to a nicely written article on linked data and in particular what it has to say on URIs:

It might yet further help to highlight this:

When we wanted to create URIs for the entities described by the ‘Tobias’ project, we chose a URL-like structure, and chose to use our institutional webspace, setting aside as a place dedicated to hosting these URIs. By putting it at rather than , there was a clear separation between URIs and the pages of the website. For example, one of the URIs from the Tobias project was While the format of the abovementioned URIs is the same as a URL, they do not link to web pages

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