SuttaCentral Voice Assistant

Deal! :handshake: But I can occasionally use English only, right? I mean it’s important to test that it’s working okay. :smiling_imp:

lol. In fact, I can have some sense of what you mean. I’m in the middle of destroying (and hopefully putting back together again) my room and I’ve had a recording of the SN56.11 (in Pali) I was given a while ago playing quite a bit. I haven’t quite woken up with Pali on my tongue, but have noticed some little phrases randomly wandering about my head space.

Neat, I think that makes it a more meaningful section which I can understand the purpose of and that, at least I hope, would had value to those with visual impairments—sorry, but I go by personally testing and I can’t test this one.

On a more serious note about product management, I think the principle of build by feedback from your target users is incredibly valuable. I’m only able to test from my PoV as a person with good sight, do you get any feedback from people with restricted or no sight? Particularly as, if I understand correctly, you are more or less plan wrapping up your ‘leg’ of production with the release of v1, I’d definitely think it would be wonderful if you can get some feedback from that user group before releasing (there may be some easy tweaks that would add value that good-sighted-testers just can’t ‘see’).

I think you’re exactly right, I think blurbs would best be left out of playlist readings! Even with individual suttas, for my own personal use I think I’d mostly skip blurb reading, but feel it would be great to have it available for those who’d find it helpful, while at the same time having a quick path to playing a sutta directly (which would be happily accomplished by the “play” button or “expanded menu” possibilities mentioned above).

But your plan with this (if I understand everything correctly) really would seem to me to more or less necessitate including the sutta title in “section 2” (i.e. the section that comes directly after Intro) so that the individual suttas are clearly demarcated in a reading comprised of several suttas.

Taking the example of AN7.84, what is currently read from the introduction section is:

Numbered Discourses 7
8. The Monastic Law
84. Settlement of Disciplinary Issues

And then section 2 begins directly with the start of the sutta text:

“Mendicants, there are these seven principles for the settlement of any disciplinary issues that might arise…

So then lets say I did a search for “disciplinary issues” and got 5 lovely results returned. Unfortunately, on account of the “untranslated segment stopping play issue” I can’t actually test this, because the Player stops after the first sutta is read in every test search I’ve tried. Nevertheless, what I suspect is that this playlist is comprised of 10 sections (intro & sutta text for each). At the moment if you took out the intro sections being read, you’d end up with what could sound like one very long sutta with just the ‘section 2s’ stitched together.

I don’t suppose it would be very sensible to go any further with this point without really knowing what is technically feasible.

Aaah right it’s an add-on thing. I’ll look into that. I’ll also take the opportunity to thank you for really showing the extraordinary value of automated reading, it’s not only opened a door with respect to the suttas (for example, in another thread I remember saying that simply the idea of going through the Samyutta (or any of the Nikayas for that matter) from cover to cover, was just too intimidating for me, but now it feels like a real possibility), but also with general material. Solely, inspired by your work and your demonstration of how far automated voice has come on, a couple of weeks ago I went looking for a voice tool and found a very acceptable free one online which I now regularly use to ‘read’ longer texts. I hope the huge gift the you have given (both me, and I know many, many others) brings you huge happiness.