SuttaCentral Voice Assistant

for info how on does the filenames, mp3 metadata, to match suttacentral sutta numbering, and preserve proper sorting order with zero padded reference numbers. If you follow those standards, or something similar, it will make Karl’s job very easy to integrate into SC.

For recording software, audacity is free and very good.

make sure you get it from there ,and when the download link comes up, make sure it’s coming from their site or a trusted site so you don’t get malware or bloatware or adware.

for microphone:

I did a lot of research on this, and that’s the microphone you want. Unless you’re doing something really high end, have a recording studio, etc. I have an older generation version on that mic, run it on two rechargeable AA’s, it’s portable, can take it anywhere. Most of my recordings on, see MN, and almost all of Ven. Jiv’s pali readings are done with that Mic. Bhante Sujato has complained about the background noise, but that’s not the mic’s fault, that’s the recording studio environment. Personally that level of noise (on my english recordings) doesn’t bother me, and I didn’t think it worth the suffering that would be required for me to make noiseless recordings. Such as recording in a closet full of clothes to absorb the noise. I experimented with software noise reduction, but I didn’t like the results. It gets rid of all noise, but it makes the human voice sound more sterile. The zoom h2 has really great quality. When I listen to it, I can still hear in very detail even faint background noises like my housemate burping through closed doors, very distant car driving (my doors and windows are closed), birds chirping, etc. The level of detail is excellent, and I feel it’s worth it to preserve the raw human subtleties in the voice (compared to the sterilzed noise reduced version). For example, when I read the 32 marks of a great man, you can hear the subtleties of my voice trying to surpress laughter and contempt.

The h2 is portable, so you can record in the jungle, in a closet if you want noiseless background, and anywhere that you feel comfortable. I’d experimented with a few usb mics that require you t have a laptop or pc to hook up to, and some of those are really good, and a little cheaper than the zoom h2, but you have less portability, and you need a laptop/pc that’s super quiet, otherwise the laptop fan hum is going to show up as noise.

On, for english I have almost a complete set of MN. The EBT portion of KN is almost complete, we could really use a female voice to the the Therigatha. So if that’s of interest to you, that would be a great one to record, that’s not in existence yet in English.