Suttas & Agamas, aren't strictly historical?

Hi all,
If users have an issue with a post, please flag it to bring it to our attention so we can then have a closer look (moderators do not always have the time to keep track of all of the ins and outs of every debate on this forum).

Would all posters please keep the debate constructive and friendly going forward (or we may need to take further action in this thread).

Q22 Yes, I understand Right Speech. But what if I deeply disagree with what someone has posted? Surely I should be able to let them know that what they are saying is wrong?

A : It’s fine if you do wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it: the Buddha said we should praise what should be praised, and criticize what should be criticized. But remember the advice of the Araṇavibhaṅga Sutta (MN 139 ): Criticize ideas, not people. Directing criticism at another poster’s character or motivations (an Ad hominem in modern parlance), their personality traits, their attitude, their way of life, choice of teachers, texts, method and place of worship, their personal approach to Buddhism or the type of practice they choose to follow is not permitted. Instead, try to analyze the issue logically and state your reasons calmly, preferably using references in support.

Q23 What should I do if debate turns into disagreement? How can I avoid getting into an online quarrel?

A : Rigorous debate can be an important part of Dhamma inquiry and many debates are recorded in the Early Buddhist Texts. However, it’s even more important to recognize the difference between a debate and a quarrel. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with what is being said. Step away from discussions that become combative. In general, if you have replied twice to another poster and they haven’t got your point, they likely won’t! It is better to let such discussions go. Agreeing to disagree or simply disagreeing silently and moving on are mature methods of handling such an impasse.


3.2 Please do not:


suaimhneas (on behalf of the moderators)