From Venerable Kusalacara, a catalogue of the suttas as a spreadsheet.
Venerable’s message:
The objective of this catalog is to use filters for different categories to assist in selecting suttas related to our current inclinations.
Some of these categories are:
- General theme
- Specific topics
- Location in the Pali Canon by nikaya, book, section, chapter etc.
- Length, abbreviated or detailed
- Training: Sila, Samadhi, or Panya
- Aspect: Practical, doctrinal, training, biographical, cosmological, praises, inspiration or Vinaya (discipline)
- Who is the teacher
- Who are the listeners
- Methods: How the sutta is delivered by lecture, verses, questions and answers Q&A, story or mixed
- Stage:
- Intro: Listen to the Buddha Dhamma, arise conviction, conscience and prudence "
- Beginning: Taking refuge in 3 Gem, good conduct of body, speech and mind; give away possessions, renounce sensual pleasures, restraint of 6 senses, eat with moderation and wakefulness "
- Middle: Mindfulness meditation, abandon 5 hindrances, and 4 jhanas "
- Final: 8 liberations, psychic powers, higher knowledges of rebirth of beings, recollection of past lives and ending of the defilements "
- End: Nirvana ultimate freedom "
- Extra details like parallels, if there are similes, short summaries and contents extracted directly from the sutta that call for attention or useful to remember
Other useful categories can be found in the Suttas tab that also can be filtered.
It also includes a short preview and the link to Sutta Central of each sutta.
The spreadsheet contains other interesting tabs, for example:
- In the Vinaya tab the bhikkhu and bhikkhuni patimokkhas are classified and identified which rules are relevant to both sanghas.
- In the Muni, Atthaka and Parayana vaggas, the pali and different translations are put side by side.
- Essentials contains matrixes of DN 33 and DN 34 and their parallels
- Intro and Guides tabs are provided for further information on how to use the catalog.